Resume Portfolio Contact


Proof I am a qualified engineer


Proof I can write code


Proof I am a good employee

Jason Horsley

Software Developer

Work Experience

SpotOn (2023 - Present)

Senior Software Engineer

  • Working on a legacy PHP system integrated into SpotOn's POS solution after the acquisition of DolceClock.
  • Developed a MySQL binlog spy in Go for analytics.
  • Built multiple helper scripts in Python for various tasks including build scripts.
  • Gained deep experience in Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and deployment at scale.
  • Front-end development using React with TypeScript for scalable applications.
  • Focused on scaling and optimizing large-scale systems in a rapidly growing environment.

Shelterlove (2020 - 2023)

Senior Software Engineer

  • Led a major rewrite of legacy Drupal systems into a modern Laravel stack for pet shelter management SaaS.
  • Integrated payment platforms to boost company revenue.
  • Worked with Alpine.js and Livewire for building dynamic front-end components.
  • Conducted A/B testing and product analytics using LaunchDarkly and Metabase.
  • Upgraded and transitioned front-end architecture to Vue 3 with TypeScript.
  • Collaborated closely with product teams to drive development and experimentation.

MicroVentures (2018 - 2020)

Software Engineer

  • Contributed to the development of an investment platform facilitating Regulation D offerings.
  • Transformed the front-end architecture into a Vue SPA authenticated via JWT shared across subdomains.
  • Improved the backend API built with Laravel, ensuring smooth integration with mobile and web applications.
  • Developed strong expertise in Laravel, Vue.js, Tailwind, Bulma, and various Laravel plugins and libraries.
  • Enhanced team collaboration and coding standards by adopting modern frameworks and design patterns.

Pubbly (2012 - 2018)

Software Engineer

  • Developed HTML5-based e-reader and interactive educational games for clients like McGraw-Hill.
  • Built a CMS for digital books supporting multi-language variants and custom JavaScript runtime environments.
  • Created custom Cordova/Ionic wrappers for mobile delivery.
  • Led the technical effort for the XPRIZE Global Learning competition, resulting in finalist status and a $1 million prize.
  • Managed front-end and back-end projects using a variety of technologies including PHP, JavaScript, YII, CakePHP, and WordPress.
  • Supported and enhanced legacy systems, including LiveCode-based tools.


  • Languages: PHP, JavaScript, SQL, Go, Python, TypeScript, Swift
  • Frameworks & Libraries: Laravel, Vue.js, React, Tailwind, Bulma, Alpine.js, Livewire, YII, CakePHP, Cordova, Ionic
  • Tools & Platforms: Docker, Kubernetes, MySQL, Metabase, LaunchDarkly, JWT, Swift, Drupal
  • Development Practices: MVC, API Development, SPAs, A/B Testing, Product Analytics, Scalability


Leet code here lol

And also a human being.